Press Releases for Chemplast Sanmar

  • 729

    Chemplast Sanmar wins Prize for its Industrial Garden

    The Puducherry Government awarded Chemplast Sanmar’s, Karaikal plant 1st prize for its “Industrial Garden”, at the recent Flower Show. This is the 7thtime this plant has won such an award in recent years, proving commitment to environment.

    By : | 03-08-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 729

  • 758

    Chemplast Sanmar Wins CII Water Awards

    Chemplast Sanmar recently won the Innovative Case Study and Excellent Water Efficient Unit awards from CII for their successful case study of zero liquid discharge planned at Mettur.

    By : | 12-21-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 758